Naked Chef raves over Cape Town Township restaurant

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver is featuring a Gugulethu restaurant, Mzoli’s Place, on the cover of his magazine this month, describing its food as “heaven”.

The Times newspaper reported that Oliver spent a day at the restaurant, sampling a variety of meats and swapping recipes with the owner, Mzoli Ngcawuzele.

“He learnt from us and we learnt from him. And he enjoyed the food. When he got his meal, he said, ‘wow’, he was taken aback,” Ngcawuzele said.

Oliver, in a seven-page spread, described his day-long visit to the butchery-cum-restaurant as “totally sexy”.

“The whole experience was totally sexy: the heat, the music, the food and the people, where patrons choose cuts of raw meat to be braaied and served.

“In this part of the world, fresh is where it’s at. Just kill it. Gut it. Skin it. Eat it. Heaven,” wrote Oliver. “When I go back to Cape Town, I am absolutely going to Mzoli’s.”


About The Author: Rox

Cape Town based copywriter, blogger, baker of cookies, seeker of calm and maker of things.
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