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Mouille Point Accommodation is perfect for those seeking a location that is within walking distance of the V&A Waterfront, while also offering all the benefits of a fairly peaceful, scenic area. Home to the famous Mouille Point Light House, as well as the starting point of the promenade, this area has everything you need for that quintessential urban coastal holiday.

Choosing the Right Accommodation in Mouille Point

If you’re wondering what sort of accommodation you may find within the Mouille Point area, you’re in luck – the area has a great mixture of options to suit all tastes and budgets. Try a trendy Mouille Point apartment for that ‘lock up and go’ convenience, or a villa for spacious ocean living. Browse our listings to find out what offers are currently available.

Things to see and do in the area after you’ve arrived range from wining and dining at the many fine restaurants, cocktail bars and coffee shops in the neighbourhood, shopping at the V&A Waterfront, walks on the promenade, meanders in the nearby Green Point Urban Park and plenty more besides.

Contact the CometoCapeTown team to find out how we can help you find the perfect accommodation in Mouille Point to suit your needs.